Outer Banks Manteo Lighthouse OBX North Carolina

by Jordan Hill
Outer Banks Manteo Lighthouse OBX North Carolina
Jordan Hill
Photograph - Photograph
Outer Banks Manteo Lighthouse OBX North Carolina
Roanoke Island Marshes Lighthouse is located on the lovely waterfront park on the Arbemarle Sound. Two other lighthouses built in the 1800s carried the Roanoke Marshes Light name and were lost or abandoned due to extensive and neglected repairs and a compromised foundation from the challenges of its environment. The current Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse is a replica of the third lighthouse to carry that same name constructed in 1877 on the southern end of the Croatan Sound in the village of Wanchese on Roanoke Island. Local sailors and fisherman could find safe passage to the island with help from this little light.
June 22nd, 2022