Resting Shore Birds

by Jordan Hill
Resting Shore Birds
Jordan Hill
Photograph - Photograph
Resting Shore Birds.
Sanderlings are small, plump sandpipers with a stout bill about the same length as the head. The Sanderling is one of the world’s most widespread shorebirds. They are often seen on my trips to the Emerald Coast. When we travel through Destin and Navarre beaches along the the Gulf Island National Seashore, they are often seen chasing the waves.
November 23rd, 2021
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Laurel Adams
Jordan, CONGRATULATIONS! Your work has been featured in the Home Page of The ARTIST BUZzz Group! You are cordially invited to POST image embed links for this distinction to the #8. GAs Features Archive Thread in the discussion tab. Thank you for your glimpse of beauty!

Nancy Carol Photography
Congratulations! .... and thank you, your wonderful work of art has been presented on the HomePage in the group, 'ART FOR PASSION - PASSION FOR ART'. If you wish, you can archive it permanently or promote it further in the Discussions Tabs .... Nancy L/F Also, your image has been chosen for the Administrator's Best of the Best for the week of January 3, 2022.